Message of the day :

<font face="verdana">Knowledge is Power</font>


Student Name :
Father Name :
Date of Birth : Day Mon Year
Gender : Male Female
Picture :
Father / Guardian CNIC :
Father / Guardian Profession :
Permanent Address :
Business Address :
Office Phone :
Home Phone :
Mobile :
E-mail :
Present School (if any) :
Subjects Taken At School Subjects to be Taken at SILK
Name and School of any brother and sister studying in O/A Levels.
Name School

I hereby undertake that all information /documents given in this form are verified and correct to the best of my knowledge. On inquiry if any information/document is found wrong or incorrect I will be held responsible and SILK is authorized to take appropriate lawful action against me that may include expulsion from SILK. Moreover by signing this application I agree to abide by the policies rules & regulation of SILK and the course.

Please accept the following terms and conditions for further process
1- No student will be allowed to attend class without payment or registration fee and completion of admission from along with the associated formalities
2. Tution fee will be paid in advance or withing first week of joining the class
3. Fee will be paid only in office on specified fee deposit slip. No one else is authorized to collect the tuition fee in case if fee is paid to someone else no such claim will be entertained.
4. Tuition fee will be charged on monthly or session basis and will be received in advance and can be revised/increased according to the prevailin conditions.
5. Class timings/days can be changed according to the situation by Academy Admistration.
6. All students are expected to keep the campus clean and writing on walls chairs and tables etc is prohibited in case any student is found in such activities punitive actions will be taken against him/her.
7. Only students will valid ID Cards are allowed to enter, outsiders will not be allowed.
8. Free mising of boys and girls is not allowed.
9. Any sort of violence within or in front of campus will result in immediate expulsion of student from Academy.
10. No students will be allowed to stay in the campus/classroom after their classes are over.
11. Use of abusive language will be subject to strict administrative action.
12. Smoking is strictly prohibited within the campus and outside withing the campus boundries.
13. All students are expected to be in proper dress code.
14. All students will have to get their attendance marked for the classes they will atend.
15. Last date for deposit of monthly fee will be 7th of every month and no student will be allowed to attend their classes without fee payment.
16. Any misconduct or administrative staff of the Academy will be subject to administrative action.
17. Parking will be at owner's risk and no claim in case of any kind or loss will be entertained.

I agree to abide by all the rules and regulation of Academy. Academy Administration reserves the right to make changes/additions in above stated rules without any prior notice. All decisions taken by the Academy Administration shell be final and binding on us which can not be challanged in any way or in front of any lawful authority/court of law.
